After years of paranoia of the the dreaded date of December 21, 2012. We actually passed the date without any major catastrphe that changed the world as we know it. We are still here, alive and kicking and nothing has changed but are still busy in preparation for the coming Christmas day. Actually one can notice the gravity of the traffic in all major roads. Even in the trains which have a relaxed hours in the afternoon is now at rush hour capacity. And since i is christmas, expect that many will have something in their hands like shopping bags, appliances, and things that they cannot afford in the past months. It seems that the workforce became one month richer because of the 13th month pay given by companies which is mandated by law.
When I used to work in the office, I did somehow enjoyed that kind of benefit. The question now for the people blessed with this addiional income is how they would spend it. Probably also consider saving it, but what the heck, its the end of the world (every year). Many will use it to reward themselves with their hard earned cash.
Going back to the end of the world, it is a scenario that everyone fears of seing even myself, as you can feel chaos, fear, and the other factors depending on the type of "end" that will happen. survival would mean to be resiurceful with the scarcity of materials and the destruction of most of the sources. This would also mean that the human society will also fall with ethics and morals suspended. I still get goosebumps thinking about it.
But we're still here, and its actually December 24th. I am very thankful that there was nothing that can trigger the predicted scenario. Thus, we are all survivors of the "end of the world." I just wondered if some people did something stupid or incredible on that day, which I have to check if there was. But again, it also have its lessons of the value of life, of spending it wisely and living it with a purpose. We are more than just the apocalypse survivors but life survivors that still continue life to now and beyond.
Now, we focus con Christmas which teaches us many life lessons and bring happiness to most of us. For those people who does not celebrate the occasion, its okay, you can still be happy with the possitivity around. As much as possible, keep everthing in balance, and everthing will go great.
So fellow survivors, again will might face another doomsday date in the future. Just keep yourself ready and make sure that "just in case" that happens, we will be satisfied that we did lived meaningful lives.